Oakley showing off her new pretty rings!
Going through her stocking!
We had a great Christmas this year! Dylan was able to be home even though it was his 2 weeks on! My parents and Jeremy and his family came up the night before and we all opened up our presents at my house Christmas morning. Then we cooked a big breakfast for everyone.
Oakley was so fun this year! When I went in her room to get her she was so excited to know that Santa came! We made her hold hands with her cousin Owen and walk out together to see all the presents under the tree. They did their stockings first then they got to open one present while we waited for the rest of the family. Kane fell asleep in the middle of everything. I guess this year just wasn't too exciting for him but he did love all of his presents after he woke up! Everyone got great gifts and it was nice to be with everyone and have a good time!